Cinema Film Synopsis: Little Boy. The film starts with a normal thing. A little boy (Jacob Salvati) about 7 years old, located in a friendly environment. Setting this film about the 1930s.
Sinopsis Little Boy. Ringkasan film, pemain dan jadwal tayang selengkapnya.
Sinopsis Film Bioskop: Little Boy. Film ini dimulai dengan hal biasa saja. Seorang anak kecil (Jacob Salvati) berusia sekitar 7 tahun, berada dalam lingkungan yang ramah. Setting film ini sekitar tahun 1930-an.
This boy (Jacob Salvati - Little boy) turned out to have extraordinary talent. One time, he followed a magic show in his city, and elected to try an attraction, it turns its power successfully.
His father must be a volunteer soldier world war, and it made him very upset. Day after day the little boy began to hone his talents, and the growing strength day after day.
Many poor response from their communities due to the power it has. Especially from the clergy. But it can be proved to him that there was no element of magic or trickery in that strength. He himself does not even know where the power comes from.
This talent has naturally been owned by him without the knowledge of the little boy.
One time, he wants to save his father from the battlefield. The family and the whole city disagree on this plan. But he gave evidence, that she could. Even the mountain can be shifted by him simply with the words "I believe I can do it".
His father must be a volunteer soldier world war, and it made him very upset. Day after day the little boy began to hone his talents, and the growing strength day after day.
Many poor response from their communities due to the power it has. Especially from the clergy. But it can be proved to him that there was no element of magic or trickery in that strength. He himself does not even know where the power comes from.
This talent has naturally been owned by him without the knowledge of the little boy.
One time, he wants to save his father from the battlefield. The family and the whole city disagree on this plan. But he gave evidence, that she could. Even the mountain can be shifted by him simply with the words "I believe I can do it".
*and this is the reason I like this movie*
the reason I chose this flim, because it wants to have the talent to see from others. even though many responses that the local environment is not good, but there are some good because his father wanted menyelamat right. and even if the family does not support with what is owned.
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